It's Not Just Routine: Feeding, Diapering and Napping Infants and Toddlers (2nd Edition)
Protective Urges: Working with the Feelings of Parents and Caregivers Video Clips
In infant caregiving caregivers have to provide emotional support to both the child and the parent. In this video parents speak candidly about their concerns, and caregivers discuss ways to provide assistance. The video shows how caregivers can come to better understand the normal behaviors of parents of infants in care, including highly emotional behavior and conflicting feelings about caregiver/child relationships. It also suggests how caregiver displays of competence, honesty, and understanding provide the base for family support. Also included with this DVD is a DVD Booklet.
Respectfully Yours: Magda Gerber's Approach to Professional Infant/Toddler Care
Talking Points for Essential Connections: Video Clips for Group Discussion
Space to Grow: Creating a Child Care Environment for Infants and Toddlers (2nd Edition)
Video: The Ages of Infancy: Caring for Young, Mobile and Older Infants
This video divides infancy into three different stages of development: the young, the mobile, and the older infant or toddler. Each stage is characterized by its own crucial developmental issue. For the young infant, security is the focus; for the mobile infant, it is exploration; for the older infant, it is the quest for identity. Specific guidelines and suggestions for caregiving are offered. Also included with this DVD is a DVD Booklet.
The Next Step: Including the Infant in the Curriculum
"We made this video because we are concerned that many of the messages brought forth in From Neurons to Neighborhoods are being ignored. This video is an attempt to point out that all of us who are serious about assisting children to develop will do so by starting with the definition of an infant that the most recent research has given us: a curious motivated pre-programmed learner who is desperately in need of trusting and secure relationships as the base for both independent and interactive learning.