The Program for Infant/Toddler Care Program Assessment & Reflection System (PITC PARS) is a resource to use for observing, documenting, and reflecting on the essential aspects of infant/toddler group care — from caregiving interactions to the physical environment to program policies and administrative structures.

Register for Upcoming Training

We provide for-fee webinar training sessions in English, Spanish, and Chinese. These sessions will provide information for users about the three purposes for using the PITC PARS: 1) For study and reflection about quality indicators, 2) For use in coaching to inform practice, and 3) For evaluation and research. Read more about training.

Instrument and Subscale Guides

The PITC PARS is designed to recognize the multifaceted nature of responsive, relationship-based early care. Accordingly, the Instrument includes five primary components of child care quality for infants and toddlers. These components are referred to as Subscales, with each consisting of various items and sub-items that provide a comprehensive look at program quality. Read more and purchase materials.

FREE Webinar

Still deciding if PARS is right for you or your organization? Learn about the origins of the PITC PARS and how to use this tool to support quality care for children birth to 3-years old in this FREE Informational Webinar.