Pleasant Hill, California
Director-multi site
C5 Children’s School-SFPUC Building Center
Contra Costa
Joe Wiseman is the Director-multi site for C5 Children’s School’s Infant-Toddler Center and Preschool Center, which are inspired by the preprimary schools of Reggio Emilia, PITC, RIE, and other leading theories and practices. He is also the C5 Preschool Center Director. He has a Masters Degree in Education and has taught upper division courses in teaching methods and special needs children at the University of Oregon and been an Adjunct Professor at Carelton College in Organization Effectiveness for a project for the American Psychological Association that was published through Columbia University Teachers College. He is certified as a public school teacher in Oregon and Washington states; has had extensive training for five years in Organizational Development from the University of Oregon Center for Educational Policy and Management; been a high school teacher and department head in Eugene, Oregon; and, was filmed by the BBC for his innovative teaching and consulting practices.
Wiseman was an organizational development consultant in public schools for six years and served on consulting teams that started one high school and two elementary schools. He has been a management consultant to business, industry, government, religion, and education as a certified management consultant through the Institute of Management Consultants and served on their national board of directors. He worked as a Senior Consultant in Management Development at Merrill Lynch World Headquarters in New York and was Vice President for Corporate Programs at Crystal-Barkley Corporation, a life design and career advancement firm.
Wiseman has completed all five PITC modules, attended the PITC Academies, and travelled to Reggio, Emilia, Italy on the 2000 U.S. Study Tour with Secretary of Education Richard Riley. He has also served on Head Start national review teams in seven states and co-authored the program review manual. He has served on several boards of directors of professional, community service, civic, and not-for-profit organizations.