Blaine, Minnesota
Agape 24-hr Child Development Center
Hi! My name is Wanda Hill and I am founder of Prominence Educational Consulting where our mission is to assist childcare, parents and human service professionals in replicating cultural sensitive methods and approaches that improves children�s early development and educational learning. One of our goals is to encourage the above entities to learn, explore and adapt to changing circumstances and to instill hope, dignity and intellectual skills into children throughout their developmental stages.

I have been teaching in the early childhood field since 1993 with a Masters of Arts degree in Christian Education/Child Development. I�m a certified trainer for several statewide projects: Building Cultural Connections, Program for Infant and Toddler Caregivers, Project Exceptional, SEEDS Early Literacy for Infants and Toddlers, and Preschool children, Ounce Scale Assessment, and Not By Chance: Child Care that Support School Readiness, to name a few. I also mentor, coach, consult and assess programs per their request. I recently received the 2005 Trainer of the Year Award from the Minnesota Early Childhood and School Age Trainer�s Association (MECSATA).

To further my goals, I am part time faculty member for St. Paul College in the Child Development department (face-to-face and online) and an online instructor for Eager to Learn. I love facilitating, sharing and learning from others. I am married to one of the greatest men around, Lawrence and we are proud parents of a 6 year old, Vontez. I look forward to a great learning experience with all of you!