Arlene Paxton
Sonoma, California
Director, PITC Regional Support Network
WestEd - D2 - Infant Toddler Care
Arlene Paxton is the Director of two major projects at WestEd, Center for Child & Family Studies, the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) Partners for Quality (PQ) Regional Support Network, and San Francisco Quality Connections, Quality Improvement System. Both projects aim to increase the capacity and improve the quality of early care and education services through the delivery of on-site training and technical assistance. As a member of the Partners for Quality Leadership Team, Paxton received the 2003 WestEd Paul D. Hood Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Profession.
Paxton collaborates with the California Department of Education Early Learning and Care Division on the implementation of the PITC Partners for Quality network activities, and participates on statewide leadership teams and advisory groups. She has led initiatives in California and other states, working closely with representatives from universities, First 5, Educare Learning Network, Departments of Education, and County Office Offices of Education to design training systems that support the professional development of early educators serving children birth to three and their families.
Prior to employment at WestEd, Paxton was responsible for the coordination and implementation of a city-wide early literacy project initiated by the Mayor’s office in Oakland, California. She also has several years experience working in Head Start and Early Head Start programs in Oakland, California.
Paxton received a BA in early childhood development from Humboldt State University and an MA in human development from Pacific Oaks College.
Paxton collaborates with the California Department of Education Early Learning and Care Division on the implementation of the PITC Partners for Quality network activities, and participates on statewide leadership teams and advisory groups. She has led initiatives in California and other states, working closely with representatives from universities, First 5, Educare Learning Network, Departments of Education, and County Office Offices of Education to design training systems that support the professional development of early educators serving children birth to three and their families.
Prior to employment at WestEd, Paxton was responsible for the coordination and implementation of a city-wide early literacy project initiated by the Mayor’s office in Oakland, California. She also has several years experience working in Head Start and Early Head Start programs in Oakland, California.
Paxton received a BA in early childhood development from Humboldt State University and an MA in human development from Pacific Oaks College.