Caguas, Puerto Rico
ECH Consultant
Self-employed: Edna Rivera
*Certified Family Literacy Specialist
*Certified High Scope Trainer
*Creative Curriculum Trainer
*Certified PITC Trainer and PITC Region 2b Consultant
*NAEYC Validator
*CDA Representative and Advisor
*Zero to Three Consultant

Brief description of work:

I have worked as an independent early childhood consultant for the last 15 years. I provided services to the Head Start Quality Improvement Centers for 7 years as Mentor Coach Specialist, Family Literacy Specialist, Infant and Toddler Specialist and Curriculum Specialist.

I served as coordinator lead speaker in the first statewide Infant and Toddler Conference in Puerto Rico. I have further been keynote speaker at Early Head Start Institutes conferences and at statewide conferences organized by the Department of Human Services of Puerto Rico.

I have developed workshops to present in English and Spanish in conferences and institutes across the US, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.