Marana, Arizona
CEO/Lead Consultant-Home Office
Creating Connections Consulting Group, LLC
Experience with
Family Child Care, Center-Based programs, Early Head Start, State Funded programs, Home Visiting
With a unique background in Early Childhood Education, Infant/Toddler development (PITC certified), and Systems Thinking, Creating Connections, LLC's founder, Amber Jones, partners with organizations to strengthen systems, identify causal connections, increase leverage opportunities, and understand how to nurture the development of our most valuable resource, our children.

Creating Connections Consulting Group, LLC partners with other leading experts/consultants to bring the most up to date, evidence based, and engaging sessions to those working in the early care and education field. Through dynamic and thought provoking sessions, attendees leave sessions with new ideas and skills, reflective practice strategies, and a sense of empowerment to lead quality improvement changes in their classrooms and organizations.

Professional development opportunities are uniquely tailored to each individual audience and incorporate the mission, vision, and values of the organization. The goal of Creating Connections Consulting Group, LLC is simple- to provide the space (time), tools, and experiences necessary so participants can think deeply and collectively about improving outcomes for children with solid action steps to put those plans in to action.