Vermilion, Ohio
Step Up To Quality Coordinator
Child Care Resource Center
My experience in early childhood varies I have had the honor of serving as a classroom teacher, primarily in an infant toddler classroom environment. In addition, I have served as an administrator in child care centers that I have primarily been direcly involved with their initial opening, budgeting, and daily operations. I have served as an administrator for a Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. In my current position I work with all child care options including centerbase, family child care providers, pregnant mothers and home visiting. I have a strong passion for infants and toddlers and my desire is to assist programs in obtaining the dynamic materials and information that I have gained through my experiences at the Parent Infant Toddler program (PITC). I know through adequate training and support, staff with a heart for infants and toddlers will ensure that each and every infant and toddler recieves the caring and nurturing environment, and appropritate experiences that they deserve.