PITC RSN provides training and technical assistance through two systems, (1) PITC Regional Support Network employees, and (2) PITC Partner Trainers.

  1. PITC Regional Support Network employees are fully certified PITC certified trainers who are employed by WestEd, Center for Child and Family Studies as PITC Infant/Toddler Specialists to conduct PITC training under the PITC Regional Support Network established system and meet the established criteria. Positions to be an Infant/Toddler (I/T) Specialist for the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) Regional Support Network (RSN) are limited and based on availability of funding and regional need.
  2. PITC Partner Trainers are fully certified PITC trainers who have a designated role within their agency/organization/county to provide recognized PITC training and technical assistance under the umbrella of the PITC Regional Support Network established system and meet the established criteria.

To inquire about available Infant/Toddler Specialist positions or becoming a PITC Partner Trainer, your local contact can be found on the Regional Coordinator List. For complete information about the process to become a PITC Regional Support Network employee or Partner Trainer please download the PITC Certified Trainer Opportunities and Criteria.

For information about the PITC Institutes and or the Certification Process please click on Trainer Institutes.