Miriam Silverman
Clinical Psychologist and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor
UCSF Infant-Parent Program

Miriam Silverman is a clinical psychologist, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor and Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Reflective Practice Facilitator Mentor with the Infant- Parent Program at University of California, San Francisco. She provides infant-parent psychotherapy and child-parent psychotherapy to young children and their parents who are at risk for, or are currently experiencing, significant problems in their relationship. As a mental health consultant, she provides program consultation to teachers, supervisors and administrators of childcare centers, schools, and staff of residential substance abuse treatment centers for women and children. She participates in the training and supervision of interns in Infant-Parent Psychotherapy, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and Therapeutic Shadowing.

Before coming to the Infant-Parent Program, she worked with Ira Chasnoff at the Child Study Center in Chicago providing developmental assessments for prenatally exposed infants and young children as well as foreign adoptees. Silverman also has experience providing home-based developmental assessments for the zero-to-three program on the Big Island of Hawaii and clinical supervision and training to Early Head Start staff. In addition to her work at the Infant-Parent Program, Silverman is in private practice specializing in work with children with disorders of learning and communicating and their families.

Silverman obtained a BS in psychology from the University of Illinois, and a PsyD in clinical psychology from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology (APA).