Alice Nakahata
Professor Emeritus
City College of San Francisco

Alice Nakahata retired from a faculty position at City College of San Francisco. During her many years at that institution, she taught Early Childhood Education and Parent/Child Guidance classes. In addition, she served as grants coordinator, state preschool supervisor, and foster parent trainer. In recent years, she volunteered in teaching classes for Roots of Empathy, a national and international program for school aged children, designed to encourage sensitive relationships among children.

Nakahata's passion for working with families and young children was initially sparked by her early career as a physical therapist/childbirth educator. In that capacity, she served as a national trainer for many years.

She was also a participant of CAEYC Leadership in Diversity program and is a founding member of BANDTEC (Bay Area Network for Diversity Training). A continuing interest for her is how information on brain research is changing our understanding of young children and the impact of nurturing relationships on their development.

Nakahata received a BS in physical therapy from the University of California, San Francisco and an MA in developmental psychology from San Francisco State University.